Catholic Nashville

Catholic Nashville (3 Minute Theology)

Three Minute Theology was born out of a desire to spread the joy of the Gospel to people regardless of who they are, where they are, and how busy they are. If we want to love Jesus, we need to know him. So who is Jesus? Who is His Bride, the Church? Why do Catholics believe what they believe and do what they do?

3MT aims at helping Catholics know more about their Faith and gives them a way to share what they believe. Know someone with questions about the Church? There just might be a 3MT episode that begins to answer those questions.

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3m 38s
Do you ever wonder why we need the Old Testament when we have the New? Why do we need to know the stories of Abraham or Moses or David when we have Jesus Christ? Today's episode delves into some Scripture study with a look at typology.
In this week's Three Minute Theology: Why do I have to go to Mass?
3m 19s
Let's talk about St. Valentine and the origin of Valentine's Day.
3m 25s
In the second of this series, we look at a few of the actions - or "rubrics" - of the priest throughout Mass.
3m 20s
If Scripture is the Word of God, can it make mistakes?
3m 51s
In this episode of Three Minute Theology, we look the Catholic Magisterium and why it's important to bring us closer to the Word of God.
3m 50s
Why was Jesus baptized if He was God? Find out this - and more - on this week's episode of 3MT
3m 39s
What's the deal with that lone pink candle in your Advent wreath? Why is Father going to wear rose vestments? It's time to rejoice!
3m 25s
What is a bishop? What are his responsibilities in his diocese? In this episode, we will look at the three primary roles of a bishop but also his ultimate vocation: to love his Church with his very life.
2m 57s
In this week's Three Minute Theology: Are you called to holiness?
3MT is out on location again! We're at the Dominican House of Studies looking at the question: what exactly are religious orders?
3m 24s
We know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen... but how much do we really know about St. Nicholas?
3m 52s
How did the diaconate come to be and what is the role of a deacon? Find out in today's episode!
3m 14s
As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Mary's appearances at Fatima, we take a look at private revelation on this week's 3MT.
3m 21s
We continue looking at the three-fold call of baptism by looking at the call to be prophets. How am I called to be a prophet today?
3m 43s
In this week's Three Minute Theology: The Our Father, the most common Christian prayer, prayed at every Baptism, every Confirmation, and at every Mass.
3m 17s
Let's take a look at the Second Commandment.
3m 29s
Did you know that St. John Nepomucene was martyred for his faith after refusing to break the seal of confession? Lean more about the seal in this week's 3MT!
3m 20s
Why did God become man? This great mystery is the topic of this week's 3MT!
3m 41s
Every Sunday, we say that we believe in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. What does this mean? That's the topic of this week's Three Minute Theology.